Muscat Pharmacy & Stores LLC
Veterinary Care

Veterinary care relates to the diseases, injuries, and treatment of farm and domestic animals. Veterinary treatments can help keep companion, zoo, and sport animals happy, healthy, and comfortable.

Medicinal Treatments
In certain circumstances, veterinarians will recommend medicinal treatments for animals. Some of the most common drugs include:

  • Anthelmintics are used to eliminate parasitic worms, which infest their systems and steal important nutrients.
  • Dermatological drugs: Oral, topical, or injected medications might be used to treat common skin and ear conditions in animals.
  • Central nervous system medications: Drugs like aminocaproic acid or potassium bromide might be prescribed to help animals suffering from seizures or epilepsy.
  • Respiratory drugs: A variety of medications can be used to help animals suffering from respiratory issues. For example, a veterinarian might prescribe inhaled or oral steroids to assist animals suffering from asthma or other disorders that cause wheezing.
  • Antibiotics: These medications help animals’ systems fight infection and disease. They can be used once an illness is diagnosed, or a veterinarian might prescribe them preventively before a surgical procedure.
  • Kidney medications: Many animals are prone to kidney issues and these treatments can help slow or stop the progress of these disorders.
  • Ophthalmological drugs: Oral medications or eye drops can be used to treat infection and other ocular issues, such as cataracts and glaucoma.
  • Behavioral modification treatments: If your animal appears neurotic, obsessive, or overly aggressive and other treatments have not been successful, your veterinarian may prescribe behavioral modifiers like antidepressants or antipsychotics.
  • Cardiovascular treatments: These can be used to treat any conditions relating to the heart or blood vessels.
  • Hormone medications: Veterinarians primarily prescribe these to assist animals with reproductive issues.
  • Painkillers: These medications can help animals with chronic conditions or those recovering from major procedures.
  • Chemotherapy: These chemical compounds can help kill cancer cells.


Vitamins and Supplements
Just like humans, animals can sometimes benefit from taking vitamins and supplements, nutrients and organic compounds that can help support bodily functions.

Animal caretakers most frequently utilize the following:

  • Multivitamins. These can help balance an animal’s diet and nutrition.
  • Probiotics. These help with digestive function.
  • Supplements for arthritis. Glucosamine, calcium, green tea, and vitamin E can help your animal’s joints function better.
  • Antioxidants. These can help fight symptoms of aging and reduce animals’ risk for cancer.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids. These healthy oils can make animals’ fur shiny and healthy, as well as limiting shedding.


Our veterinary division deals with various veterinary products, feeds, natural and inorganic fertilizers, pesticides and specialist equipment for the veterinary and agricultural world.

To enquire about these products, please write your requirement on the product enquiry tab on left side menu.